Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Stella and Lexi Have a Conversation

In a solemn moment on the couch the puppy Miss Stella Rose looks toward her more mature sister and asks "Hey Lexi, why has mom been gone so long.  I miss her."  Lexi slowly raises her head, looks intently at Stella and replies "I don't know when mom will be back.  Dad took her away because she is sick.  I heard Mrs. O say she is getting a kidney transplant."  "What is a kidney transplant?" Miss Stella Rose asks inquisitively."  Lexi pauses for a moment and murmurs a guarded reply "It's when people's kidneys stop working and the doctors give them a new one."  Stella stops and thinks for a moment, then asks "But why did she have to go away?  Why couldn't I give her one of my kidneys?  I am a young pup and very healthy."  Amused by her reply Lexi chuckles,  "You are such a puppy, people can't take our kidneys, we are not compatible."

Stella continues her interrogation "Is that why she was hooked to the machine every night, because her kidneys stopped working?"  Lexi reassures Stella "Yes, the machine kept her alive.  But after this transplant she won't need it anymore."  Stella continues her naive queries "Does this mean we won't have to wait outside of the bedroom every night while she hooks-up to it?" Lexi affirms "Yes Stella, once she gets home her life will be back to normal.  But you will have to be careful with her, don't jump on her or try to lick her face, she can get sick if she touches germs.  We all know where your tongue has been."

"Hey Lexi, since I am too young to write,  Do you mind writing a letter to mom for me?"  Stella asks.  Lexi negotiates her reply "No I don't mind, but after this you have to promise to let me nap and not pester me for the rest of the day.  Tell me what you want it to say."

Stella's letter to Mom:

Dear Mom,

Lexi tells me you had to go away to get a new kidney.  Does it hurt?  I remember when I went to the vet to get my surgery for spay and gastropexy - it hurt real bad.  You held me and sang soothing songs to me so I would feel better.  You are such a great mom - I miss you.

I wish I could be there with you to cuddle like we always do and help you feel better.  I promise not to step on you or to lick you in the face.  Lexi tells me this could make you sick - I will be a good girl.  When will you come home?  Is your new kidney working?  Does this mean I can cuddle up with you at night instead of waiting outside the bedroom while you used to hook-up to that machine?  I miss our snuggle time.  You are such a great mom - I miss you.

Don't worry about me.  Lexi and Mrs. O are taking good care of me.  But I worried about you so much that I ate my dog bed.  I'm sorry, please forgive me, but I started thinking of you and could not help myself.  Now I have to sleep on the floor.  Guess that was not such a good idea.  I promise if you come home soon not to chew up your glasses anymore.  I remember how mad that made you.  But you forgave me and still snuggled with me.  You are such a great mom - I miss you.

I will try to be a good girl.  Lexi reminds me every day of your struggles to get better and how I need to grow-up.  I am trying mom, but I really miss you and sometimes I just get wacky in the head and the puppy takes over.  I will try harder if you will just come home.  You are such a great mom - I miss you.


Miss Stella Rose and Lexi


  1. Stella Rose and Lexi need to get their own blog spot!

  2. Yes, but it will be penned by Lexi. Stella can't write
